a positive path for spiritual living

Introducing Sacred Service

by Peggy Kaufmann

As we look at re-opening possibilities, and we hope to gradually get back to some ways to meet in person, as well as searching for our new minister, we also look for ways to engage our whole community in meaningful involvement.  Our time with our transition minister taught us many things, and one of those is the concept of a sacred service ministry.

So, what is the difference between sacred service and volunteering you may ask?  Sacred service is focused on individual and collective spiritual development, rather than just looking for a volunteer to meet a need.  It creates a “culture of calling” that empowers congregants to realize our unique gifts and to use them in meaningful service.

“From a soul perspective, an act of service is responding to an inner call for soul growth.  Sacred Service Ministry is a philosophy of service based on knowing that each of us brings gifts and life experience into our spiritual community, along with an inner desire to experience meaning and purpose in our lives and to know that we are making a difference in the lives of others.”

Sacred service creates ways for participants to feel successful, fulfilled and cared for as we grow and develop.  So, members end up serving and being served themselves.  And this incorporates sacred service as a vital aspect of individual spiritual practice and growth.

Does this sound good to you?  Be on the lookout for updated service ministries to get involved in, as well as an upcoming Spiritual Gifts Discovery Program.  More information coming soon!

– Peggy