a positive path for spiritual living

Holy Week 2023

Plam Sunday Service

Sunday, April 2, 10:00 AM

In person and live-streamed. Go to youtube.com/@unityalbany to view.

Maundy Thursday Service

Thursday, April 6, 5:30 PM

In person and live-streamed. Go to unityalbany.org/youtube-live-stream to view.

This moving annual service features a foot-washing ceremony, recalling Jesus’s teaching to his disciples at the Last Supper in which he washed their feet and charged them to wash each other’s feet – a striking metaphor for serving one another in love and humility as a sacred calling.

Friday, April 7, 7:00 PM – NINE: a Holy Week Story of Love

In person and live-streamed. Go to unityalbany.org/youtube-live-stream to view.

The creation of this play came in response to a deeply spiritual connection Rob experienced on Good Friday 2018. He sensed a strength, peace and clarity and felt a ‘knowing’ arrive within him. It felt intimate and real as he channeled the essence of nine stories experienced by Yeshiwa (Jesus) and his disciples during his last week on earth. Each story captures the beauty, grace, and loving heart of Yeshiwa and expresses the profound love and compassion he has for each of us. MORE INFORMATION

Easter Sunday Service

Sunday, April 9, 10:00 AM

In person and live-streamed. Go to unityalbany.org/youtube-live-stream to view.

The Easter story of Jesus’ death and resurrection calls us to rise from old erroneous ways of thinking and believing and to embrace a new understanding of ourselves as the “I Am,” the Christ presence.