a positive path for spiritual living

Who We Are (Page 2)

Unity Visioning, Part II

On Oct 21 the Prosperity team led the second part of Visioning for our church. Thanks to all the big hearted people who came and participated in this event. You are a blessing! The event was stated by Dennis Ryan, who has been a member of the church since the beginning.  He tolds us the…

Bylaws Proposal

Overview of the Bylaws Proposal for the September 23, 2018 Membership Meeting Dear Unity family, during this past year and a half, the Bylaws sub-committee has been reviewing the current Bylaws (2002), incorporating many of the changes that were proposed in the Bylaws Proposal considered in 2017, as well as new items from Unity Worldwide…

Calling in all visionaries…

…to develop our vision for Unity Church in Albany April 22, 12:30 – 3:00pm by Karin Reinhold Where is the church going in the next 3 – 5 years? What do we want our community to be? What is the highest vision we have for our community? On April 22nd, we will gather together to…