a positive path for spiritual living

Service (Page 4)

Prayer Partner Project

COME AND JOIN THE PRAYER PARTNER PROJECT! Facilitated by John Frederick The Prayer Partner Project is a 12-week event designed to help us learn how to pray, and how to pray for others. Prayer is highly ordered thought, an amazing way to deepen our Spiritual Consciousness and strengthen our connection to God, to others and…

Spotlight on Service: Glyne Griffith

by John Daubney There are those among us who are naturally inclined to be “out front” or to be drawn to leadership positions and we welcome and embrace and are enriched by those men and women. There are also, however, as Glyne Griffith points out, men and women who are by nature more reserved and…

Spotlight on Service: Cheri Warren

by John Daubney The seed for serving grows and blossoms over time as we put ourselves in a fertile (spiritual) environment—If you hang around a barbershop long enough, sooner or later you’re bound to get a haircut.  In time, as gratitude grows, we naturally want to use our special God-given gifts to serve others.  Cheri…

Kirtan with Trans-Portal

Our Multi-Faith Music & Meditation Service for Sunday, December 6 (6:00 pm) features special musical guests Trans-Portal Phil “Shiva” Jones & Frank Evans TRANS-PORTAL is a two man band whose goal is to awaken the inner mind and move the soul. Phil “Shiva” Jones, vocalist/didgeridoo master (founding member of the ‘60s/’70s British spiritual rock band…

Spotlight on Service: Orisa Skipper

by John Daubney Those who give of themselves; who have learned the benefits of service, freely-given, are among the happiest people you might encounter day-to-day. Possessing a beautiful smile and a giving spirit, Orisa Skipper, exudes the joy that emanates from being a giving person. Both in her work life and in service here at…