Armand & Angelina in Concert
For Introverts, novice, experienced, closet speakers, budding musicians, artists, writers… and especially for people who have a burning desire to live from their heart center, whether they know what their heart is saying or they are still searching. Includes an interactive workshop and open mic.
Rev. Johnny Frederick, a member of Unity of Albany since 1996, is now living the life of his dreams in Paris, France. He is a past President of our Board of Trustees and is currently a member of our Abundance and Prosperity Team. Rev Johnny is author of two books: Prosperity Now! A 12-Week Journey…
Our music team performed this Jonathan Edwards song at our “Church in the Park” gathering on July 9, 2023. Pete Furlong (who sang the lead) taped it and then did some video magic, including interspersing drone footage he took while at the park that morning. Enjoy! Singers, L to R: Roger Mock, Carol Morris, Gerri…
Summer Coffeehouse 2023 Saturday, July 22, 2023 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Sanctuary Open Mic Night to benefit the African Well Project If you’ve always wanted to share a talent or a desire to perform for others, this is your chance! If you want a fun-filled night, come out and join us. The only requirement is…
Authentic Voice Open Mic
The Unity Social Justice Circle is having a fundraising to benefit our African Well Project Saturday, July 29 from 9am -3pm at 509 Russell Road, Slingerlands (home of Maia Boswell-Penc) Please help us finish our Well Campaign by donating saleable items you no longer need. To DONATE: Call Tim Sigrist (518-801-5119) or Peggy Kaufmann (518-210-9516)…
We are delighted to announce that we have once again reserved the Paint Mine Pavilion area at John Boyd Thacher Park for our annual Sunday in the park with God! The Paint Mine area at the park, which we have made use of in recent years, is the first area on your left after you pass the Overlook area when…
There are twenty-one seven foot Sacred Dream Circles in all, each representing a portal of entry for us to connect with consciousness raising energy here on Earth. They are welded and woven with thousands of crystals, metals, and other natural elements. Their sacred geometry has the power to open the emotional/mental/ spiritual body and bring healing to…
This Special Bonus OneSong is focused on Ease and Surrender. “OneSong” Multi-Faith Music and Meditation service is at 7:00 pm. Patterned in part after the kirtan gatherings of the Hindu and Sikh traditions, these services incorporate music from various faith traditions including: traditional and contemporary kirtan chants, non-denominational chants, spiritual and gospel songs, and original songs…