a positive path for spiritual living

Posts by unityalbany (Page 27)

If Your Eye is Single…

… your whole body will be full of light by Roger Mock This is one of the slightly more enigmatic sayings of Jesus in the New Testament. Here is the whole passage from Luke 11.34-36: Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is single, your whole body is full of light;…

A Letter from Rev. Jim

Dear Unity Friends, Let me begin by thanking each of you for twelve plus years of support, friendship and encouragement.  I arrived in Albany as a newly ordained minister with a desire to help and share and also with much to learn.  You welcomed me not just as your minister but also as a part…

Willing to Change

by Rev. Jim Fuller “I am willing to change.”  This is a truly powerful statement if it is meant and if it is offered to our Source (to God) rather than to our egoic self.  To the ego or human personality change typically means rearranging the same old living room furniture in the same old…

President’s Corner: Home

by Rob Geyer HOME. That’s the word I’ve heard most often when folks talk about Unity Church in Albany. That it feels like HOME. A place they’ve needed and wanted and at last, finally found. A place for their spirit to feel at peace, but also a place from which to grow and expand into…

How Sweet the Sound

  by Roger Mock The other morning, while looking through some pieces of music I had collected for possible future use, I came across an amusing little round for four voices with these lyrics: “Though I know my voice is only mediocre, I will sing to the Lord, because they say with God it’s the thought…

Spotlight on Service: Dave Wigley

by John Daubney For many of us at Unity, once we experienced the feeling of being at home as part of this congregation of fellow seekers, we naturally begin to want to give of ourselves in a way that is meaningful for each of us. Gratitude for what we receive frequently leads us to want…

President’s Corner

by Rob Geyer On behalf of the Board, I wanted to take a minute to share with you where we are in the new minister search process.  In mid April the Board met and established a general timeline, created the green congregational survey forms, which were inserted in three Sunday bulletins and discussed the formulation…


by Rev. Jim Fuller   Dear Friends, Our friend the Buddha offered many helpful insights for developing deep spiritual wisdom; among these was the teaching of impermanence.  His teachings on impermanence remind us of the temporary nature of things and conditions in the physical/phenomenal world.  Things come into being.  They last a while, changing as…

Spotlight On Service: Trudy Ellis

(reprint from June 2007) By John Daubney For the past ten years [Ed. note: now 19 years] Trudy Ellis has lovingly and effectively been providing nursery care on Sundays so that adults with very small children have the opportunity to attend service; not an easy undertaking for parents.  Trudy quietly goes about offering her gift…