a positive path for spiritual living

Willing to Change

step forward

by Rev. Jim Fuller

“I am willing to change.”  This is a truly powerful statement if it is meant and if it is offered to our Source (to God) rather than to our egoic self.  To the ego or human personality change typically means rearranging the same old living room furniture in the same old room and then proudly proclaiming, “Look at what a great thing I have done.”  But when the willingness to change arises from the deep inside and is then offered back to that Source, then we have actually created an opening for new and liberating thoughts and things to enter our life and our world.  Until then we simply rearrange the thoughts and things we already have.

Over a year ago I began to realize that it was time for a change in my life; I could feel it “wanting” to happen.  Once the awareness began to arise into my mind I was then faced with the question, “Am I willing to change?”  There were certainly parts of me that thought change wasn’t a good idea and wanted to delay the process at the least or perhaps to dump the idea altogether.  Noticing a call for change arising from within is an important step, but it is also simply a first step.  Many people sense calls for change and perhaps even feel that change might be beneficial for them but they may not be willing to take outer steps necessary to actually change, after all change brings with it uncertainty.  What if things don’t turn out as we expect?  What if change brings challenges with it?  So sticking with what we know, even if it isn’t great, may seem to be a way to stay familiar territory.  Most of us (me included) appreciate having a degree of stability and sameness in our lives.  And we are all aware that welcoming change means releasing sameness and engaging uncertainty.

But here’s the thing to remember, nothing of this physical world can or will continue on in its present form for very long; everything will change.  This includes all the things we love and all the things we don’t love.  This includes our friends and our selves.  The only things that don’t change are things of Spirit (not just the thinking mind but Spirit) and those generally aren’t the places where we resist change.  Resistance to change typically centers around the physical world and more specifically our personal world.  So how can we begin to develop and strengthen our willingness to change?

We might begin by starting to think of change in a positive way, as evolution or forward movement.  We all like to think of ourselves and our lives as moving forward, so practicing holding mental images of change as evolution and forward movement can strengthen our willingness to welcome change.  Practicing this at times when our lives feel relatively safe or stable makes it easier to relax into imagining change as in a positive thing.  If we also include the idea that God (or our own soul) are encouraging us to evolve and move forward toward better things through change we can strengthen our willingness even more.  With ongoing mental practice we can begin to relate to the idea of change not as a disruption or fearful thing, but as a positive evolutionary pull toward greater good in our lives.

Don’t get me wrong, welcoming and stepping into real change (not just rearranging familiar things) will require some exercise of our willpower (we all have some) as we begin to act on our inspiration to change.  But with preparation and practice we can all become more comfortable with the idea of change and more willing to change.  Remember, God is the source of our inspiration and God wants only the very best for us.  So becoming willing to notice and respond to your inner Divine nudges will always be a step toward greater happiness even if it feels scary at times.


May we notice and be willing to welcome the evolutionary impulses for change – for forward movement – that are arising in our lives today.  Amen