a positive path for spiritual living

Posts by unityalbany (Page 17)

Small Business Planning Course offered

Starting or Growing a Business? Our friends at Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region are offering an 8-Week Small Business Planning Course beginning on Saturday, January 19th Join us for some real world business planning. Learn what you need to know to start and run a successful small business with our 8-week intensive training…

Special Holiday Services

Christmas Eve Service Monday, Dec. 24, 5:30 pm Rekindle the Christ light in your heart this Christmas. Join Reverend Crystal and our Unity musicians as we sing and celebrate the birth of Christ Consciousness into our world. Join us as we listen to the Christmas story, share prayers, songs, and light our Christmas candles together. What a wonderful…

My Lord’s Prayer

by Edward Cady I am taking the Prayer Class / Chaplain Training.  The reason I that decided to take this course is to better understanding what prayer is and to find my passion/ purpose now that I am now an adult orphan. One of the assignments is this: 1. Read “Prayers of the Cosmos” by Niel Douglas-Klotz.…

Unity Visioning, Part II

On Oct 21 the Prosperity team led the second part of Visioning for our church. Thanks to all the big hearted people who came and participated in this event. You are a blessing! The event was stated by Dennis Ryan, who has been a member of the church since the beginning.  He tolds us the…

Opportunities from Community Loan Fund

The Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region is a great local organization and one of our investments. Here are some current events and opportunities they are offering.   New 8-week Business Training Course Begins September 15th   Learn what you need to know to start and run a successful small business with our 8-week intensive training course,…