a positive path for spiritual living

Special Holiday Services

Christmas Eve Service
Monday, Dec. 24, 5:30 pm

Rekindle the Christ light in your heart this Christmas.

Join Reverend Crystal and our Unity musicians as we sing and celebrate the birth of Christ Consciousness into our world. Join us as we listen to the Christmas story, share prayers, songs, and light our Christmas candles together. What a wonderful gift to give the Christ child in you!

Burning Bowl Service
Monday, Dec. 31, 5:30 pm

Release what no longer serves and open to the New.

Clear out the closets of your mind and make room for the life your soul desires. Open your imagination and heart to the blessings God is offering you. This is our traditional ritual of releasing to the burning bowl those things that no longer serve us and writing our letter to God claiming our vision of good for the coming year. We will sing, pray and step forward into a New Year filled with wonderful possibilities for all.

White Stone Services
Sunday, Jan. 6, 9 & 11 am

Listen to the voice of Spirit

This day we set our intentions (similar to resolutions) for the new year, focusing on who we are called to be in order to birth the emerging vision of our highest essence. In prayer we identify a new name that will represent this emerging spiritual identity and guide us through the new year. That name is then written upon the white stone to be kept throughout the year as a reminder of our intention.