Affirmation for the month: I am open to a deeper understanding of Spirit within all people. We are One. * Meditation – click for a 2-minute meditation Sunday Talks – Rev. Crystal Muldrow (coming)
Affirmation for the month: I am open to a deeper understanding of Spirit within all people. We are One. * Meditation – click for a 2-minute meditation Sunday Talks – Rev. Crystal Muldrow (coming)
Dear Unity Church in Albany Member – Welcome to the first Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sunday, March 3, 12:30 pm, at which time we will vote for our new Board of Trustees candidates) where we are using technology to allow you to join remotely. Our tool of choice is called Zoom. To learn how to…
On Good Friday, April 19, 2019, Unity Church in Albany will present a performance of a new play titled, NINE, A Holy Week Love Story inspired by Yeshiwa and written by Rob Geyer. The performance will occur at 7:00 pm at Unity Church in Albany at 21 King Avenue, Albany, NY 12206. Anyone desiring to be a part…
Affirmation for the month: I am a living, loving expression of God, right here and now. Sunday Talks – Rev. Crystal Muldrow February 5 – The Love of Grace Grace is the unconditional love of God which is always available to us, requiring only acceptance and receptivity. February 12 – Living Love: Loving Yourself…
Dear Unity Church Members, In preparation for the Annual Membership Meeting, we are updating our membership records in accordance with the recently approved Unity of Albany’s Bylaws. These bylaws provide for designating members as “active” or “inactive”. Section 2.3 Terms of Membership B. Active Membership To retain active membership rights, members must indicate their desire…
“We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings.” -Albert Einstein I was recently in a line at the post office when I noticed a postal worker coming out. He came out to clean off the tables that people use to get their postage in a packages ready to go out. I hadn’t…
New info from our Board President on Unity membership and our upcoming Annual Meeting.
We will have Board elections at the upcoming Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 3rd, after the 11:00 service. The Board Nominating Committee (Rev. Crystal, Heather Diddel, Peggy Kaufmann and Geri Ann Laiacona) have discerned and invited members of our congregation to run for the open positions. We will elect two people to full three-year terms,…
Roger’s blog, “How Sweet the Sound,” returns from oblivion…