Sheryl Collins and Donna Cook

If you’ve stopped into Unity’s office during the week, you probably noticed that Sheryl Collins and Donna Cook have been there. Sheryl and Donna have been true lifesavers for our Unity community in the past several months. Since our office administrator, Nina, went out on maternity leave in September, Sheryl and Donna have made the tremendous commitment to be our volunteer office administrators, four days a week, every week.
Sheryl has been coming to Unity since 2015, and she said that she was inspired to volunteer to do this because she had time in her schedule, and she wanted to help out while Nina was out. Here’s her brief story:
“When I decided to come to Unity in Albany I was still married to a fella in Schenectady. We talked about joining a church but never actually took action.
“I had only been in Albany for about 5 years at this point in time. I was truly missing my spiritual practices from prior to my marriage. I had been to a myriad of traditional churches throughout my life and evolved into Science of Mind, School of Thought in Fayetteville, Arkansas and Hay House spiritual practices.
“Around 2014-2015 I was seeking Myofascial Release Therapy and found Dottie Frament. We became friends as we got to know one another. She realized that Unity might be a good fit for me. She suggested I check it out.
“My first exposure was the celebration ceremony for the Peace Meditations that Bethany Gonyea was working on, January 2015. I decided then & there that I was going to start coming to services. My now ex-husband came once & was freaked out. He decided it was a good place for me but not himself.
“Ever since this fateful moment, my life has been more fulfilled & positive. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!”
Donna, being a good friend to Sheryl, made the commitment to do this with her. She said, “I’ve been retired for several years, and I was glad to revisit work life and the structure that it provides.”
This volunteer position required them not only to come in week after week since Nina left, but also to come in a number of times during the summer to be trained by Nina before she left.
We owe them both a huge debt of gratitude for their sacred service to Unity. So, if you see them, thank them!