a positive path for spiritual living

President’s Corner: Thank You!


by Rob Geyer

I am grateful for the opportunity to have served on the Board for the last three years. It has been a rewarding and challenging experience, especially during the most recent year with the minister transition from Jim to Crystal.

I want to thank the congregation for their warmth and unconditional love and support. This is such a beautiful church to be a part of and being among you is so enriching for me.

I’d like to share something about the transition with you. At the beginning of the process the Board was strongly encouraged, for a host of reasons, to consider having a transitional minister. We met to discern what guidance spirit had for us and came away with a very strong sense that this church had such a deep spiritual consciousness that having a transitional minister would not be necessary. We felt that our love and commitment to each other and to our mission of searching for and finding our next perfect minister was very heart-centered and that we would be very successful. From my perspective, that carried forward throughout the process. Each candidate picked up on this and commented about how “alive” this church was and what a joy it was to be here with us.

Significantly, participation during the workshops, church services, Q&A sessions and all of the extras (like touring and hospitality) was incredible and overwhelming. And when it came to choosing a new minister, the process was effortless and beautiful. We have indeed found our next perfect minister in Crystal.

Another thing which speaks to our devotion and love for this church is the continued strong participation through church service attendance, which never lessened during the transition and all of the other events and facets of the church which we maintained.

I want to thank you all for being the loving spirits you are. I’m so glad to be “home” with you.
