a positive path for spiritual living

Peace Project for August 2020

Cities are in turmoil.
Please meditate for August 15-22, 2020 Peace Project

Hi Everyone,

When I started the non-profit NUMINOUS, years ago, I knew I wanted to use the platform to train meditators to lead group meditations for peace at the city level.  I have always felt that as a society, we could do better for our children.

Quite honestly, it has been a hard sell.

If it wasn’t that I witnessed the power of this work in my own life and the lives of GPCP volunteers. I would not have developed the severe grit needed to stay with the mission.

Most people are so overwhelmed with their personal lives, taking time out to send intentions for peace to a city feels inconsequential. I certainly understand.

However, how do you feel about our results after leaving peace in the hands of others?  Are you satisfied? 

Although some beautiful social movements are emerging, violence is simultaneously emerging as well.

COVID-19 has added to the fury. As we pull-in and isolate, we distrust others more, and cycles of social incivility continue to worsen.

Do you sense that subtle activism, including group meditations for peace with scientific documentation, is a large rock we have not looked under?

I dream of inspiring a legion of meditators who wake up each day willing to lift the world from their living room.

Professor of Statistics and Mathematics at the State University of New York at Albany, Dr. Reinhold, and myself are motivated to provide you the documentation of your efforts.

As you send intentions for peace to Albany, we will analyze the social indicators (arrests, crimes, accidents, violence, etc) to determine how much of an impact our intentions for peace have made.

Let’s demonstrate that a group of ordinary citizens can override destructive social structures with infinite wisdom that can only be accessed by integrating the needs of the whole.

At the Global Peaceful Cities Project, we learn how to work with this infinite wisdom.  We strive to be our brothers and sisters keepers.  We strive to take a stand for those who can not stand for themselves.

Please consider making a more significant commitment to this work.

Cities are in crisis all over the world.  We can no longer leave our peace in the hands of others.

This work empowers ALL of us. 

Please commit to meditating from the privacy of your own home, August 15-22, 2020.  Meditations, inspired by SNUG 518 anti-violence workers who risk their lives protect ing others.  They would greatly appreciate your support.

Let’s lift those who risk their lives to lift others.

More to come in the next 9 days.

We need help gathering the meditators.  Please share with as many people as possible.

Thanks for being on the journey with us.


PS.  We are organizing a Chicago Peace Project.  If you know of any Chicago based organizations that would like to partner with us, please reach out to: Info@Peacefulcities.org

PPS.  If you would like us to help you organize a Peace Project in your city, please reach out t: Info@Peacefulcities.org

If you feel that this work has been valuable, please consider donating by clicking here

How A Peace Project Works:

1-Enter your email at PeacefulCities.org

2- You will receive daily meditations inspired by SNUG 518 workers’ visions for peace in Albany NY via email during August 15-22, 2020. Please click on the link to do the meditation.

3- Each meditation utilizes evidence-based mind-body skills to enhance clarity, improve optimal functioning, enhance decision making, and dramatically lift your mood while simultaneously working toward measurable reducing violence in Albany, NY.

4. In the meditations for this year, you will also have the opportunity to send intentions to enhance peace and positivity to your own life. Meditations can be done by individuals or groups

5. Changes in Social Indicators will be measured (accidents, arrests, etc) by Dr. Karin Reinhold, Ph.D., Professor of Math and Statistics at SUNY Albany. You will be notified of our results.

External Peace Begins Inside Hearts…

which is why we start there.

External Peace literally starts within internally coherent nervous systems.

Trying to inspire peace anywhere else than in individual human hearts is a long way around. Participate in meditations for the Albany Peace Project and learn how to move your nervous system into satisfying coherence.
You may have never known you can feel that good!
For more information, write Info@PeacefulCities.Org Sincere thanks for your participation by Dr. Karin Reinhold, Ph.D., Researcher, SNUG 518, Bethany Gonyea, Global Peaceful Cities Project Founder, and the Albany Peace Project team. SIGN UP NOW at PeacefulCities.org
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Learn To Live an Empowered Life in Real Life®!

Come Have Fun With the NUMINOUS  community and Explore Your Greater Nature By Participating in Our Intentional Coherence Athlete Program.

Next class to be scheduled soon….

A program that teaches you research-based intentional skills while cultivating joy and happiness to facilitate reliable grace in your life.

Learn how to maintain a buoyant state of being to consistently manifest in the positive.

“Become intolerant of feeling miserable…because you know you can feel so good”     Bethany Gonyea

  • The benefits of investing in this program:
    – Train your nervous system to maintain heightened states of consciousness and catalyze more positive results in your life.
    – Four months of live, biweekly video-streamed courses where you are encouraged to ask questions and get gritty answers.  You learn from other people asking questions as well.
    – Customized audio meditation downloads created and distributed after each session.  Participants use these meditations to apply course material and class discussions to their complex personal challenges.
    -Watch intention work it’s elegance in your life and share your success with others.
    -Opportunities to ask how to use intention in your life….while you face current daily challenges.  Receive “gritty street advice” from Bethany, who has been working with teaching the science of intention through biofeedback for over 25 years.
    -Learn how to sculpt and charge your field of energy surrounding your body to build the capacity for sustainable change.
    -Learn how to move your nervous system into coherence…which basically means become happier, more fulfilled, and more successful with all of your intentional efforts.
    RECEIVE coherent energy from the group of trained participants sending you loving energetic support to manifest your deepest intentions.  Research has shown that people who are trained in intention achieve better results.
    -You benefit from both receiving AND giving…as the peace projects have demonstrated, with current intentional research, sending good intentions primes us to receive benefits as well.

The Intentional Coherence Athlete Program® is offered three times a year.  The next class dates to be scheduled soon.

How will your life change in four months of unwavering effort in applying the discipline of skillfully employing intention in your life while receiving customized support!  (The support is so important…more than you know!!)
Please send your questions about this class to Info@Peacefulcities.org.

Here is what people are saying about learning how to live the Intentional Coherence Lifestyle.

  • We have a lot of good stuff going on in our group.  You are changing lives!:)
  • I’ll miss every one of you and your insights and laughter. Bethany, our zoom sessions and meditations have been excellent—you have a wealth of knowledge and expertise.  And the opportunity to send healing light and energy to each other has been wonderful.
  • It was great to see the rest of the crew – what a great bunch of people!
  • Beautiful meditation, Bethany.  I wept many times. Perfect timing. Thank you so much!
  • Really enjoying the meditation from the last class.  VERY relevant to my life right now.  Thanks!
  • Thanks, Bethany, for the opportunity to continue with this work. I’ve learned a great deal from you and also from each member of the group
  • Beautiful, Bethany!!  I just love your class.  Thanks for sharing.
  • I am definitely on board with continuing our adventure together and hope everyone feels the same.  This has been such a great learning experience and I know I have much more to gather from the group.
  • Your program has helped me get clear and helped me focus on my essence, especially in the body and on my goals. I am grateful.  I know our paths will cross again. Many blessings
  • Thank you, Bethany! I love what you are teaching. I Am looking forward to the next round of classes.

** the original four-month class has continued for over two years due to enthusiastic participation.

** You can participate at home on these class dates at 6:00 EST (times and dates can change if the group supports  changes)  8/31, 9/14, 9/28, 10/12, 10/26

These basic sessions put you on the fast track to accelerate experiencing heightened consciousness to meet life’s unique challenges.

Invite Your Friends!  If you gather a group of 6 or more people, we will provide technical support.  We call this a “hub.”  Create a hub with your friends and you can learn how to manifest together, which adds a whole new enjoyable dimension to your friendship.

To register please register: https://www.peacefulcities.org/coherence-athlete/

If you have questions about the program, please email Info@PeacefulCities.org and put  “Athlete” in the subject line

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