a positive path for spiritual living

OneSong service on hiatus for summer

The decision has been made not to hold our Sunday evening “OneSong” multi-faith music service during the months of July and August this year (actually through Sunday, Sept. 1). As people are out enjoying the summer weather/on weekend trips or vacation, etc., attendance tends to slacken on these summer Sunday evenings. Our final OneSong for…

Poem: Middle-Aged, in Spring

by Sue Oringel, for Judith Krause Now that funky Central Avenue is dressed like a bride with lines of Bradford pear trees bursting in white and shad bushes peep from stands of trees showing just a bit of crinoline and magnolias fling their pink or white gloves on newly manicured lawns where redbuds unroll thin ropes…

Unity EarthCare Program

We have begun as a ministry to pursue the implementation of the Unity EarthCare Program. Anyone is welcome to join our EarthCare Committee and/or attend meetings on the 3rd Sunday of the month following the 11:00 am (10:00 am in summer) service. Overview The Unity EarthCare Team, a ministry team of Unity Worldwide Ministries, has…

May Theme: Honoring Memories

Affirmation for the month: We are now and forever one in the love of God. * Meditation – click for a 2-minute meditation … Video Honoring Memories By Rev. Toni Stephens Coleman Memories are as unique as we are. They are the cumulative echo of our life experiences. However, it is important to recognize that…

Spring Cleaning Your Soul

by Rev. Crystal Muldrow “Spring is the time of year when it is summer in the sun and winter in the shade.” – Charles Dickens As I write this on a cold rainy Sunday, I hunger for spring. We are in that ‘in between time’. As April starts, we find in New York that the weather…

Re-Envisioning Our Vision

by Karin Reinhold First of all, thank you all for your trust in me and the newly elected Board members. It is an honor to serve our beautiful community in this capacity and now as president of the Board.  You might have heard me this past month, when I’ve been platform assistant, asking the congregation…

Mission, Vision, & Welcome Home…

Clarifying Who We Are by Samuel House Greetings Unity Community. As a trustee of Unity Church in Albany and a member of the Prosperity Committee, I write to you now to give you an update on this committee’s progress. Our committee has, in accordance with the Unity tradition of spiritual discernment, focused on developing a…