a positive path for spiritual living

Evolving Kindness

by Natalie Smarro

Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.
– ractivist

For more than 20 years I intentionally chose professions that allowed me to be of service and offer kindness. The first half of those years I was fortunate to work for a generous businessman who always provided a supportive ‘YES!’ to the ideas I offered regarding ways we could financially bless the thousands of families we worked with. 

When I left that company to go into business for myself, I knew I was giving up the unique position to give so freely financially. My limited resources made me feel like what I had to offer was quite insufficient to the needs I wanted to support. What I did have through my business was access to people. Alone I was not able to offer very much but through partnering with hundreds of patrons, together we offered more than 100 donations to deserving causes & people in need. 

Months before the pandemic, I followed the whispers of a higher inner wisdom and sold my business with the intention to be a full-time homeschooling parent to my teenage son. This lifestyle change meant that I no longer had any financial resources to offer, and I lost access to a community to partner with. Then as the world completely shut down, I quickly became discouraged. It seemed that my intentions to be of service and offer kindness could not be expressed. 

That discouraged state led me to question the changes I had made in my life, so I turned inward and asked my Inner Guidance for direction. Maybe I had misunderstood the calling on my life and the life of my son. God had been able to reach so many through me in the past that I could not understand how being so isolated without resources & community could possibly serve a higher purpose.  When I called out in frustration about my circumstances I heard back, “Give to those I have given to you.”

I’m an obedient follower and so I kept my heart and mind open to those that were given to me. In those early days I was surprised how much the 3 people in my home needed my service and acts of love & kindness. It was as if all my years of experience in service & kindness were preparing me for a time when those I love most intimate

As our family unit strengthened and surprisingly began to truly thrive, we noticed our friends, extended family, and neighbors were all struggling.  Every time a loved one or situation came to my attention I would ask my Inner Guidance, “how can I give to who you’ve just given to me?” 100% of the time a simple gesture of kindness and love was the answer. Dropping off home made soup, writing a love note, creating a fun scavenger hunt in a yard, offering to take a walk, gifting a piece of chocolate, sending an encouraging song, gifting free wildflowers from the side of the road. The list of simple (and super inexpensive) expressions of love & kindness is now in the hundreds.  What started in my immediate home, grew to include my friends & family, and eventually expanded to include strangers who cross my path. 

Since God told me to “give to those I have given to you’”, I don’t think a day has gone by  that I haven’t had an opportunity to be of service and offer kindness. I look back with deep appreciation for the years I was able to give generously through my first job. I am filled with gratitude for the hundreds of thoughtful people I partnered with for a shared purpose in my second career. My third chapter is when service and kindness became a vocation. Learning to ask for guidance when someone is placed in my life with a need has helped to cultivate a more thoughtful and intentional approach to offering kindness and it is by far the most fulfilling.  I’m excited to come together with others at Unity to express love & kindness in simple and heartwarming ways. 

Natalie will be hosting the R.A.O.K. Club (Random Acts of Kindness) on four Wednesdays, January into February, 2024


  1. What a wonderful opportunity to come together in community to explore and share the call to be of service, “express love and offer kindness in simple and heartwarming ways.” This is exactly what my heart is most hungry for! Thank you, thank you! Love love love– Heather

  2. Natalie, I connected with you during our spring membership class (or was that last fall?). The memories that you spoke of during our time together fascinated me. You truly emanate kindness and I look forward to getting to know you better.

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