Charity goes way beyond Trust. It is trust expressed. It means pushing the boundaries of my mind to move beyond trust into something greater.
Charity goes way beyond Trust. It is trust expressed. It means pushing the boundaries of my mind to move beyond trust into something greater.
by Roger Mock A calendar is a useful thing sometimes. It provides a structure in which to view our lives, week by week and year by year. We could thank Pope Gregory XIII for this, I suppose (though ultimately our gratitude belongs to the sun, the moon and our ever spinning earth). Gregory is the…
by Rev. Crystal Muldrow “The Great Spirit is in all things: he is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is our father, but the earth is our mother. She nourishes us; that which we put into the ground she returns to us.” — Big Thunder (Bedagi) Wabanaki Algonquin My usual morning routine when…
by John Daubney Karin loves to share her joy through service to others. She believes that being of service is being in the natural flow of life and abundance. No matter what our life circumstances may be, we can always give out of our abundance. We can simply choose to smile or be kind or…
By Orisa Skipper Here at Unity there is a heart circle with every area of service. There are people serving with love and kindness to welcome you. Education, Special Events, Sunday Service, In-reach/Out-reach, Hospitality, Building and Grounds, and more. What area is for you? I encourage everyone to pray about the service area calling…
by Roger Mock Looking at the photo above, which of these words would you say best applies to this image: sacred or scared? You would undoubtedly choose sacred, right? There is an incredible sense of both tranquility and majesty in this palatial landscape, and a feeling from the figure in the foreground of great spiritual…
On Sunday, May 28 we begin our Summer Worship Schedule with ONE MORNING SERVICE at 10:00 am There will be no 9:00 am or 11:00 am Sunday services until Sunday, September 10 Our OneSong Evening Service continues at 6:00 pm each Sunday (with the exception of Sunday, July 16 – no evening service. It’s Church-in-the-Park Day!)…
by Roger Mock Rev. Crystal and I were talking yesterday about her upcoming talk this Sunday on the Divine Mother. She pointed out that our core experience of God—of that which brought us into being and nurtures and cares for us and loves us with an all-encompassing love—must necessarily emanate from our experience in the…
by Rev. Crystal Muldrow As I write this article, I look out on grey skies and rain trying to decide if it will turn to snow. Yes, the weather is doing its transformation dance between winter and spring. It is making the decision to come out of slumber…to release old life and allow new life to…
by John Daubney Reverends Crystal and Jim Fuller before her have always talked about service as a vehicle to serve our Unity family, get to know each other better, grow spiritually, and TO HAVE FUN!! Terry Bailey has done just that as he “plays” at the church sound board most Sundays. Terry and the A/V team provide…