a positive path for spiritual living

Posts by unityalbany (Page 20)

Summer Worship Schedule

On Sunday, May 28 we begin our Summer Worship Schedule with ONE MORNING SERVICE at 10:00 am There will be no 9:00 am or 11:00 am Sunday services until Sunday, September 10 Our OneSong Evening Service continues at 6:00 pm each Sunday (with the exception of Sunday, July 16 – no evening service. It’s Church-in-the-Park Day!)…

Spotlight on Service: Terry Bailey

by John Daubney Reverends Crystal and Jim Fuller before her have always talked about service as a vehicle to serve our Unity family, get to know each other better, grow spiritually, and TO HAVE FUN!! Terry Bailey has done just that as he “plays” at the church sound board most Sundays. Terry and the A/V team provide…