a positive path for spiritual living

Posts from Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Only Love Can Do That!

by Rev. Crystal Muldrow As we live in a world that seems to be preoccupied with the satisfaction of self, more than ever, we need to remember these words of H. Emily Cady, “Pure love always asks, “What can I give?” never “What shall I receive?” February and March, are wonderful reminders that love, ultimately, is…

Prayer Partner Project

COME AND JOIN THE PRAYER PARTNER PROJECT! Facilitated by John Frederick The Prayer Partner Project is a 12-week event designed to help us learn how to pray, and how to pray for others. Prayer is highly ordered thought, an amazing way to deepen our Spiritual Consciousness and strengthen our connection to God, to others and…

President’s Corner: Thank You!

by Rob Geyer I am grateful for the opportunity to have served on the Board for the last three years. It has been a rewarding and challenging experience, especially during the most recent year with the minister transition from Jim to Crystal. I want to thank the congregation for their warmth and unconditional love and…

Are You Feeling Used?

by Roger Mock Speaking for myself, I do feel used on occasion – and that’s good. Really good, actually. Writing this little column provides an example. Sometimes, like today, I really have no idea what I’m going to write about when I sit down to type. An idea shows up and I run with it,…

Spotlight on Service: Glyne Griffith

by John Daubney There are those among us who are naturally inclined to be “out front” or to be drawn to leadership positions and we welcome and embrace and are enriched by those men and women. There are also, however, as Glyne Griffith points out, men and women who are by nature more reserved and…