a positive path for spiritual living

Posts from July 2014

Effort and Grace

There’s a yoga video I make frequent use of that begins with this statement by the teacher, Kia Miller: “There are two primary forces at work in our life: The ascending force of action and effort, and the descending force of grace.” As you engage in the practice, as you expend effort, there is a…

Did Jesus Own a Yoga Mat?

Image used by permission. harmanvisions.com by Rev. Jim Fuller Originally published in the August 2012 Unity Church in Albany Newsletter. In the forward to Phillip Goldberg’s book “American Veda”, author and teacher Houston Smith comments on the connection between Jesus’ reply to the question “Which commandment is first of all?” and the four branches of…

This Life Is But A Dream

Several years ago I heard the late Richie Havens in concert. Toward the end of the show he recited a familiar children’s rhyme very very slowly with great inflection; so slowly that you were caught off guard when partway through you realized what it was he was reciting: “Row! …..   row! ….    row    your …