a positive path for spiritual living

Posts by unityalbany (Page 23)

Indwelling Spirit

and the concept of the Trinity by Roger Mock Many Christian churches celebrate the feast of Pentecost this Sunday, the culmination of the Easter season and a commemoration of the Gospel story of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ’s followers. It is followed one week later by Trinity Sunday which honors the Christian…

Jessica Roemischer

Musical Guest – Jessica Roemischer Sunday, May 22 – 11:00 am Service Unity is delighted to welcome back award-winning pianist and author, Jessica Roemischer. She’ll bring her inspired music to the 11:00 am morning service; offer an afternoon workshop called, “Music and Memory,” and give an evening concert at 6pm (details below). Join us for a remarkable…

Transformation Tuesday!

  With Musician and Mind Mastery Mentor, Mark Shepard Starting April 19th 2016 When: Tuesday evenings 7-8:30 pm Where: Unity Church In Albany NY (21 King Ave, Albany NY 12206) (AND Streamed LIVE on the WEB) YOU are invited to an informal, spiritual (but not religious), musical, meditational, mind mastery experience designed to uplift and support…

that One thing

by Roger Mock Remember that scene from City Slickers? No, not the one where Mitch (played by Billy Crystal) helps the cow give birth, though that’s a good one, too. I mean this conversation with ancient cattle wrangler Curly (played by Jack Palance): Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is? [holds up one…

Easter is Only the Beginning

by Rev. Crystal Muldrow There is the birth of Jesus, then the death and then the resurrection…Isn’t that it?  As I grew spiritually and learned more about the Bible, it became clear that Jesus’ resurrection is only the end of a chapter. Yet, it’s not the end of any of the gospels.  The Gospels end…

Grace Happens

by Roger Mock “I do not at all understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” – Anne Lamott While visiting family in the 1990s I happened to spot a bumper sticker on a parked car while walking down a New…