a positive path for spiritual living

Posts by unityalbany (Page 21)

President’s Corner

Leadership by Paul Frament On March 5, a new Board of Trustees was elected, and by March 16, we selected officers and had our first meeting. We have a good Board. Everyone wants to listen to Spirit, and to each other, and act as one cohesive unit. Our names and phone numbers are on the…

$mall Business Fair

$mall Business Fair Sunday, March 19 Did you wish to know more about your church commUnity? Come see what individuals have to offer in the way of services and products at our annual $mall Business Fair. There is much talent in our commUnity! The event will warm you in this cold [almost spring but still sure…

Spotlight on Service: Peggy Kaufmann

By  John Daubney                                                            For those of us who tend to be on the shy side, getting involved in service can definitely be cathartic. There is something powerfully ascendant about breaking through that protective shell of protection and doing something we haven’t done before. We are all so much more than we think we are…

Martha & Mary

President’s Corner by Lois Crommelin I have found myself often caught up in the doing. The busy worker, Mom, Grandma, gardener, housekeeper. Active and Productive. I don’t always understand the Reflective & Learn type. The ones that sit and meditate and listen to the Teacher. Perhaps this is also true in reverse. The Martha and…

Christmas & New Years Services & Events

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – 5:30 pm Saturday, December 24 Rekindle the Christ light in your heart this Christmas.  Join Reverend Crystal and our Unity musicians as we sing and celebrate the birth of Christ Consciousness into our world.  We have scheduled our service at 5:30 PM so that you can participate and still have…

Two special events with David Young

Special Guest Musician/Presenter David Young November 18 – 19 Unity Church in Albany, 21 King Ave. Soul Ascension Meditation Workshop Friday, November 18, 7:30 pm David Young plays the Renaissance flute and his performances create a space for transformative spiritual experiences on the part of listeners.  David’s music, humor and the energy from a lifetime…