Calling all RAKtivists!!!
Come together to create and disperse Random Acts of Kindness
within our church, throughout the community, and in our daily lives.
Four Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Hosted by Natalie Smarro
- Supplies will be provided by host except on week 2 when we encourage attendees to coordinate together to meet the needs of the supply list. Everyone is welcome even if they are not able to contribute supplies for week 2.
Week One, January 17th
Kindness Rocks!!! The Kindness Rocks Projects mission statement is
One message at just the right moment can change someone’s entire day, outlook, life.
Attendees will paint kindness rocks to disperse throughout Unity Church. For those interested, a group will disperse rocks throughout the neighborhood and all attendees will leave with rocks to disperse in their community.
Week Two, January 24th
Love Packs. Have you ever found yourself in a situation in the car or walking the streets where you were empty-handed and wished you had something more than a smile or cash to offer someone in need? Attendees will come together and join resources to create love packs filled with healthy snacks & drinks, warm gloves, a fun treat, and handwritten notes of encouragement. The group will leave with love packs and a challenge to intentionally seek out or to remain open to opportunities to disperse love packs to anyone in need.
Click here to read Random Acts of Kindness Club Love Packs Wish List
Week Three, January 31st
UNITY Jar of Love. To ensure that UNITY continues to be a space of kindness for all, attendees will come together to write affirmations, prayers, poems, inspirational quotes, words of hope, and expressions of love for a new Unity Jar of Love that can be kept in a public place where anyone can gift themselves love anytime they need it. The group will work together to create a ‘Take What You Need’ poster with support offerings for anyone in need at the church.
Week Four, February 7th
Love Notes. Did you know that it has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve health if you write or receive a letter of encouragement or love?? Attendees will create DIY greeting cards of encouragement and love. Half of the cards will be mailed to UNITY members/congregants and the remaining letters will be written specifically for people the group feels could use an uplifting surprise.