…Finding Love and Blessings in Every Moment
an Afternoon Workshop with
Ramananda John E. Welshons
Sunday, September 17, 2023
(NOTE: It is recommended, though not required, that participants attend the 10am service this day, when Ramananda will present part one of this offering)
Each year, as we approach the transition from Summer to Fall, we are reminded of the ongoing cycles of life. This heart-warming, inspirational talk and workshop invite us to use the inevitability of change as one of the most important tools on our spiritual path. Everything in the world of form arises, exists for a period of time, changes, and passes away. Spiritual awakening unfolds as we let go of our resistance to change . . . learn to identify with the part of us that never changes (“Pure Awareness” or “Soul”) . . . and allow ourselves to embrace the “perfection” underlying the design of the Universe.

This two-part program (Part One is John’s presentation at our 10:00 am service) is offered as an introduction to Unity of Albany’s upcoming series on working with “end of life” issues as a part of our overall spiritual journey.
Our time together will include lecture, meditation, and opportunities for questions and answers. We will focus on:
- How to unveil Love in every circumstance
- How to see the spiritual blessing in each challenging experience
- How to allow our fear of change to dissolve
- How to care for others
- How to care for ourselves through all of life’s ups and downs
Participants are encouraged (but not required) to attend both sessions (morning service and workshop).
Suggested Donation levels (no one turned away):
$30 Scholarship Fee
$40 Regular Fee
$50 Sponsorship Fee
To REGISTER, send your donation via PayPal or Venmo including the note, “Welshons Workshop”
1. Donate with PayPal
2. Donate with VENMO
Send Venmo donation to: @UnityAlbanyTreasury
Note: you may be asked for the last four digits of the Unity Treasury cell #. That number is 9058
JOHN E. WELSHONS (“RAMANANDA”) has been a beloved friend of Unity Church in Albany for many years. He is a contemporary spiritual teacher and meditation teacher whose teachings weave together the world’s great mystical and contemplative traditions. He is one of our leading authorities on how to use life’s challenges as fuel for our spiritual growth. He lectures and leads workshops, classes, and retreats across North America; was a close associate of spiritual luminaries, Ram Dass and Stephen Levine, and trained – in 1976 – with Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. He has traveled and studied extensively in India – spending time at the ashrams of Meher Baba and Neem Karoli Baba, He holds a B.A. in Comparat
ive Religions from the University of South Florida, and an M.A. in History of Religions from Florida State University. He is the author of three critically-acclaimed books: Awakening From Grief; When Prayers Aren’t Answered; and One Soul, One Love, One Heart (all published by New World Library). His website is: www.johnwelshons.com
NOTE: The tree of life image used for this event is a painting by Sue Wookey entitled Balance. Used with kind permission of the artist. www.suewookey.com