a positive path for spiritual living

Heart Listening Circle

As we move into the warming days of late spring, perhaps you feel a lightness returning to your heart and life. Or maybe your heart is heavy as you consider the continuing heartbreak of all we read about in the news, or with sorrows closer to home. One of the most powerful aspects of having a spiritual community is the experience that we are walking with each other through EVERY season of life.

Reflecting on my two and half years here at Unity, I am grateful for how this path calls me onto a path of growth! And I see signs of that growth all around our community. Along with our newest Board of Trustees, I also find myself curious to know what YOU are thinking, noticing, and desiring to grow.

To that end, I am holding two more Heart Listening Circles, one in person and one on Zoom.

  • June 6, 6:30-8:30 pm, in person only in the Sanctuary
  • June 12 , 6:30-8:30 pm, on Zoom only (use the Wednesday Meditation link below)

Each evening will begin with meditation and will include small group sharing protocols. The goal of these gatherings is to generate a sense of what is “alive” in our community as we consider the questions, ideas, and visions we have for our future. We trust that we are divinely held and divinely inspired, so this will not be a time for “fixing” anything! Rather this is a time to explore in safety and community the ways we feel God calling us.

Blessings on the path,
Rev Brigid

Zoom link


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