a positive path for spiritual living


Sunday, March 23, 2025, 10am service
Rev Brigid Beckman – “Bearers of Light”

Barring any technical difficulties, our services are live-streamed on YouTube.

If you don’t see a live link to the upcoming Sunday morning service above, simply visit our YouTube Channel Homepage – www.youtube.com/@unityalbany – to view our services, either live or later after the broadcast. Typically it takes a little time after the live broadcast to access the archived video, but it is normally available within the hour.

Sunday morning service is at 10:00 am (live stream begins at about 9:55 am).
Our OneSong multi-faith evening service is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 7:00 pm.

Once the service begins, you can use the chat function if you are logged in via a Gmail or YouTube account. We appreciate your presence through this “mundane miracle of technology” of live-streaming. This is another way our community as whole grows and expands. If this is your primary way of connecting to Unity of Albany, we would be delighted to know who you are! Simply say hello in the chat feature, or drop us a line! Rev Brigid’s email is revbrigid[AT]unityalbany.org and Rev Roger is roger[AT]unityalbany.org You can view archived services on our channel as well. To access archived services, please visit:


Click on the button below to subscribe to our channel. You can then set your preferences to be notified when we go live.