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(Messages are in reverse order from most recent to oldest)
Rev. Crystal Muldrow and Guest Speakers, 2016
Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25, 2016
“A Merry Time of Year”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
We celebrate the Christ that is renewed this day within each one of us and affirm that the qualities of faith, peace, love and joy now express fully and completely in us.
Right-click to download: A Merry Time of Year
Sunday, December 18, 2016
“Advent: Joy Rejoices in Me”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
When we, like Mary, are ready to give birth to Divine Ideas, we will be filled with and will manifest great joy.
Right-click to download: Advent: Joy Rejoices In Me
Sunday, December 11, 2016
“Advent: Let Love Change Your Life”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Do you love God? Really love God? With all your heart, soul, mind and strength?
Right-click to download: Advent: Let Love Change Your Life
Sunday, November 27, 2016
“Advent: An Act of Faith”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
On this first Sunday of Advent we explore the relationship of hope and faith and they’re meaning for us as we prepare to make a deeper commitment to our Christ nature this Christmas, a deeper manifestation of the Truth of our Being.
Right-click to download: Advent: An Act of Faith
Sunday, November 20, 2016
“Healing the T(error)ist Within”
Dr. Jon Mundy
A very enlightening talk by Dr. Mundy on some of the central teachings of A Course in Miracles about the need to heal our own perceptions of the world; to extend love rather than to project fear and error.
Right-click to download: Healing the T(error)ist Within
Sunday, November 13, 2016
“Thank You”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Rev. Crystal’s post-election message exhorts us to move out of a state of divisiveness, and what has been a fear-fueled election season, into a place of thankfulness, of respect for one another and of standing in the Light that we are.
Copyright: rawpixel / 123RF Stock Photo
Right-click to download: Thank You
Sunday, November 6, 2016
“Make a Gratitude Adjustment”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
When we engage in gratitude, acknowledging the gifts we have been given, we discover many more gifts waiting for us that we have yet to open! Rev. Crystal reminds of practices we can use to open ourselves to greater gratitude and thus, greater blessing in our lives.
Right-click to download: Make a Gratitude Adjustment
Sunday, October 30, 2016
“Are You Being Tricked Or Treated?”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Is your experience of life ghoulish or heavenly? Rev. Crystal offers a clever Halloween-themed mnemonic device to help you move to a greater experience of your own Divinity.
Right-click to download: Are You Being Tricked Or Treated?
Sunday, October 23, 2016
“Giving Is Receiving”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Love grows by giving and the only way to retain it is to give it away. Rev. Crystal shares five simple ways to offer the gift of your presence to others.
Right-click to download: Giving Is Receiving
Sunday, October 16, 2016
“I Sizzle!”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Are you sizzling or are you sputtering? How do we live a life of Heaven on earth, moving forward with joy and zeal for life?
Right-click to download: I Sizzle!
Photo copyright: langstrup / 123RF Stock Photo
Sunday, October 9, 2016
“Do You Know Who I AM?”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter declared in response, “You are the Christ.” We should ask the same question of ourselves and each other.
Right-click to download: Do You Know Who I Am?
Sunday, October 2, 2016
“Push Pause”
Guest Speaker: Rev. Paulette Pipe
We can use everyday moments as tools to “push pause,” to find refreshing solace throughout our day and to bring us back to a state of mindful awareness. The busier you are, the more you will benefit from “pushing pause.”
(Recorded at the 9:00 am service, 10/02/2016)
Right-click to download: Push Pause
Sunday, September 25, 2016
“Prayer Is an Inside Affair, Part 2”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Prayer is a means of changing our consciousness and thereby effecting change in our world. Rev. Crystal applies this teaching in a very poignant and timely manner by challenging us to bring prayer consciousness to the current presidential election campaigns.
Right-click to download: Prayer Is an Inside Affair, Pt. 2
Sunday, September 18, 2016
“Finding the Gift: Must Be Present to Win!”
Guest Speaker: Charley Thweatt
There is a gift present in every situation in which we may find ourselves. We can discover the gift if we proceed with an open heart and remain connected to our “I Am Presence.”
Right-click to download: Finding the Gift
Please Note: Charley sings the song “It’s All a Gift” near about 4 minutes into his talk, but there was too much distortion in the recording to include the live rendition here. You can listen to his studio version below:

Sunday, September 11, 2016
“Prayer for the World”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
On the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, Rev. Crystal reminds us of our oneness with God and with each other. Our prayers for others and for the world must be rooted in the recognition that the presence of God lives in each one of us as children of one God.
Right-click to download: Prayer for the World
Sunday, September 4, 2016
“Prayer Is an Inside Affair, Part 1”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Prayer is much more than a strategy for receiving help when things are going badly. Prayer is a love affair with the Divine!
Right-click to download: Prayer Is an Inside Affair
Sunday, August 28, 2016
“Spiritual Economics: God Is the Source, Part 2”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
God’s provision for us is overflowing and exceeds our greatest dreams. We block it, though, if we allow fear of lack to prevent us from extending the flow to others.
Right-click to download: Spiritual Economics: God Is the Source, pt. 2
Sunday, August 14, 2016
“Awakening Your Inner Genius”
Guest Speaker: Dr. Will Tuttle
If we take the time to cultivate our intuition, we find that it can enable us to use the time we have on this earth well and to lead an authentic life.
Right-click to download: Awakening Your Inner Genius
Will Tuttle performed two piano pieces, one just before and one following his talk:
1. The Garden:
2. The Mouse Piece:
Right-click to download: The Garden (with Intro) | The Mouse Piece (with intro)
Sunday, August 7, 2016
“Spiritual Economics: God Is the Source”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
God is the Source of all good and God’s desire for us is an abundant life. Rev. Crystal reviews the steps needed to free ourselves from a consciousness of lack and to open to a greater experience of wealth and prosperity.
Copyright: borispain69 / 123RF Stock Photo
Right-click to download: Spiritual Economics: God Is the Source
Sunday, July 31, 2016
“Spiritual Economics: I Am Worthy”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Our prosperity series continues as we explore the first of six techniques to achieving an abundant life experience—to accept and embrace the truth that prosperity is our birthright as children of God.
Right-click to download: Spiritual Economics: I Am Worthy
Sunday, July 24, 2016
“Summer of Living Abundantly: Spiritual Economics”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Heaven—a state of abundant health, joy, happiness and peace—is meant to be lived here on earth. Rev. Crystal offers six techniques to lead us to an experience of the unlimited good that is our birthright.
Right-click to download: Spiritual Economics
Sunday, July 17, 2016
“Nature Is Heaven”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
If we are going to affirm that in truth All Lives Matter, we must include the animals, insects and plants – the whole of created life on this planet as well as the earth herself.
Right-click to download: Nature Is Heaven
Sunday, July 10, 2016
“All Lives SHOULD Matter”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Of course all lives do matter, but the experience of many minorities on this planet would indicate that we continue to fall very short of the mark in terms of embodying that truth. How do we make a difference and move our world closer to that embodiment of our ultimate oneness?
Right-click to download: All Lives Should Matter
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Guest Speaker: Mark Shepard
On his last Sunday serving on our music team, Mark delivers an inspiring music-in-message presentation on the subject of personal freedom and growth, reflecting on his own life story. To view and listen, head over to Mark’s website at seekingsource.org
Sunday, June 26, 2016
“Freedom To Be”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
We are indeed one, but that doesn’t mean we we should hold a homogenized view of humanity. Rather, let us celebrate our diversity.
Image copyright: cienpies / 123RF Stock Photo
Right-click to download: Freedom to Be
Sunday, June 19, 2016
“What Are We Doing Here?”
Rev. Roger Mock
Our lives, the fact of their very existence, is astonishingly, breathtakingly unlikely. This miracle is right in front of our faces every day yet is so hard to grasp. A storybook, Yellow & Pink by William Steig, leads off this talk and helps us to get a glimpse of the incredible gift of our being here at all.
Right-click to download: What Are We Doing Here?
Sunday, June 12, 2016
“Yes, I Will”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Inspired by the book The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, Rev. Crystal challenges us to approach our lives, challenges and opportunities affirmatively; to believe in our “impossible” dreams and actively move forward to achieve them.
Right-click to download: Yes I Will
Sunday, May 29, 2016
“I Am”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Whenever we speak an I Am statement we either empower ourselves with the Truth of our being—which is founded in Divinity—or we dis-empower ourselves (blaspheme), proclaiming ourselves to be less than whole.
Right-click to download: I Am
Sunday, May 22, 2016
“Be Impeccable With Your Words”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
In Genesis, God spoke and the created world arose. As children of God, we create like God. Our words give voice to our intent and expectation, and our resulting creations mirror the consciousness from which they arose. Our challenge, then, is to be impeccable with our words that we might manifest our highest vision.
Right-click to download: Be Impeccable With Your Words
Sunday, May 15, 2016
“The Word Made Flesh”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
By our words we affirm the thoughts we most value. We paint a picture of our inner consciousness and bring it into manifestation. The word, in effect, becomes flesh. Rev. Crystal offers a challenge at the end of this to talk to become more consciously in control of the words we speak.
Right-click to download: The Word Made Flesh
Sunday, May 8, 2016
“Rising Out of the Ashes: Ready for a Revolution”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Our Rising Out of the Ashes series concludes with a call to revolution. It is a call to own our stories, to hold our vision and to dare to have big dreams; a call to rise up from every apparent failure and claim our victory.
Right-click to download: Rising Out of the Ashes: Ready for a Revolution
Sunday, May 1, 2016
“Rising Out of the Ashes: The Rumble”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
From Brené Brown: “Men and women who rise strong are willing and able to rumble with their stories. By rumble, I mean they get honest about the stories they’ve made up about their struggles and they are willing to revisit, challenge, and reality-check these narratives as they dig into topics such as boundaries, shame, blame, resentment, heartbreak, generosity, and forgiveness. Rumbling with these topics and moving from our first responses to a deeper understanding of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors gives birth to key learnings about who we are and how we engage with others. The rumble is where wholeheartedness is cultivated and change begins.”
Right-click to download: Rising Out of the Ashes – The Rumble
Sunday, April 24, 2016
“Rising Out of the Ashes: The Reckoning”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
In her book (upon which this series of talks is based), Brené Brown delineates three stages in the “Rising Strong” process. The first of these she calls the Reckoning – in which we reckon with our emotions as a means to owning our stories.
Right-click to download: Rising From the Ashes – The Reckoning
Sunday, April 17, 2016
“Rising Out of the Ashes: The Magical Place”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Whenever a higher spiritual idea enters our consciousness, we can expect the ego to resist, causing a feeling of separation from God. When we press forward in faith nonetheless, we allow the “magic” to happen – the transformation of our consciousness.
Right-click to download: Rising Out of the Ashes – the Magical Place
Sunday, April 10, 2016
“Rising Out of the Ashes: I Am Willing to Be Vulnerable”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
To remain in complacent comfort is to choose stagnation. To allow ourselves to be vulnerable is to be willing to move forward in spiritual growth.
Right-click to download:
Rising Out of the Ashes: I Am Willing to Be Vulnerable
Sunday, April 3, 2016
“Rising Out of the Ashes”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Like the mythical phoenix, we have the ability to rise up from our difficulties and trials into a new way of being.
Right-click to download: Rising Out of the Ashes
Sunday, March 27, 2016 – Easter Sunday
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
From Unity’s perspective, the Easter story of Jesus’ death and resurrection calls us to rise from old erroneous ways of thinking and believing and to embrace a new understanding ourselves as the “I Am,” the Christ presence.
Right-click to download: Rise
Sunday, March 20, 2016 – Palm Sunday
“Preparing for Greatness”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
An understanding of the metaphysical meaning of Jesus’ triumphant ride into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey can lead us to the faith that “God in me is greater than my circumstances. No situation or condition has power over me.”
Right-click to download: Preparing for Greatness
Sunday, March 13, 2016
“The Overcomer”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
“An overcomer is one who recognizes the Truth of his being and is renewing his mind and body and affairs by changing his thoughts from the old mortal beliefs to the new as he sees them in Divine Mind.”
-Charles Fillmore, Keep a True Lent.
Right-click to download: The Overcomer
Note: This talk was preceded by Mark Shepard’s song Break the Wine Glass, which Rev. Crystal quotes at the beginning of the talk. Liste to the song:
Sunday, March 6, 2016
“Peace Be Still”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Keeping a true Sabbath – beyond the law to an experience of union with God.
Right-click to download: Peace Be Still
Sunday, February 28, 2016
“Love Is Kind”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Love is always ready and willing. Nothing can hold it back once you have decided to give it expression in your life.
Right-click to download: Love Is Kind
Sunday, February 21, 2016
“Meditation As Loving Action”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
We can use our prayer and meditation as a way to channel love and compassion to others.
[Note: We regret that the sound of this recording has some pronounced distortion. It’s an inspiring message nonetheless and we hope you enjoy it!]
Right-click to download: Meditation As Loving Action
Sunday, February 14, 2016
“Compassion Is Loving Action”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
A Valentine’s Day challenge to offer compassionate understanding toward those who project a negative attitude.
Right-click to download: Compassion Is Loving Action
Sunday, February 7, 2016
“Only Love Can Do That”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Is self-love different from narcissism? How can we give love if we don’t first love ourselves?
Right-click to download: Only Love Can Do That
Sunday, January 31, 2016
“An Unexpected Call From God”
Guest Speaker: Heather Diddel
Recalling a startling and enigmatic experience from her past, Heather shares what she has learned about living with the questions and answering the call.
Right-click to download: An Unexpected Call From God
Sunday, January 24, 2016
“Let Thy Will of Good Be Done”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
God’s will of good for us is to experience heaven here on earth. How do we open ourselves to that experience of life, joy and abundance?
Right-click to download: Let Thy Will of Good Be Done
Sunday, January 17, 2016
“Faith in Humanity is Faith in God”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Our faith in humanity is warranted because the presence of God in unlimited supply dwells within everyone of us.
Right-click to download: Faith in Humanity Is Faith in God
Sunday, January 10, 2016
“Get Ready, My Soul”
Rev. Crystal Muldrow
Rev. Crystal delivers her first message as our new minister! Daniel Nahmod’s song, Get Ready, My Soul, had not only been the theme for Unity Church in Albany with Rev. Jim’s departure; it was also the theme for Rev. Crystal’s transition from her position at Unity in Jefferson City, MO to her new life in Albany! Rev. Crystal talks about the meaning of the word “soul,” and how our individual souls as well as the collective soul of our church are called to move forward in greatness.
Right-click to download: Get Ready My Soul