a positive path for spiritual living


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(Messages are in reverse order from most recent to oldest)


Rev. Jim Fuller and Guest Speakers, 2014


Sunday, December 28, 2014
“A Too-Small Christ”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Was the fullness of the Christ already present in the infant Jesus? Is it already present in us as well?

Right-click to download: A Too-Small Christ



innocenceSunday, December 21, 2014
“The Birth of Innocence”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

It is easy to see the innocence in a newborn infant. That same innocence is present in everyone, including ourselves. We can begin to perceive it as we release ourselves and others from judgments and open ourselves to love and wisdom.

Right-click to download: The Birth of Innocence



Journey_of_the_MagiSunday, December 14, 2014
“Wise Pilgrims”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

A world of meaning opens up when, in reading the Christmas stories in our Gospels, we move beyond the search for historical data and enter that realm where Truth trumps fact. Rev. Jim takes this approach in his exploration of the story of the magi.

Right-click to download: Wise Pilgrims




Sunday, December 7, 2014
“Angels in the Night”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Like Mary and Joseph, we too can connect with Divine inspiration and Angelic messages. We may miss them if we are expecting something ornate and grandiose. The extraordinary is most commonly experienced in the ordinary.

Right-click to download: Angels in the Night



embraceSunday, November 30, 2014
“Forgiving For Real”

Speaker: Debra Burger

Debra shares her personal journey of learning to forgive an abusive parent and offers wisdom for following a forgiving path in our own lives. Her talk begins with her song, I Forgive You, Dad.

Right click to download: Forgiving For Real

Affirmation thought used at the end of this talk:

“There is a kindness that dwells deep down in things; it presides everywhere, often in the places we least expect. The world can be harsh and negative, but if we remain generous and patient, kindness inevitable reveals itself. Something deep in the human soul seems to depend on the presence of kindness; something instinctive in us expects it, and once we sense it we are able to trust and open ourselves.” – John O’Donohue




Sunday, November 23, 2014

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

By holding a vision of our highest good and living in gratitude we can rise above the seeming tragedies of this world and experience an abundant life of rich blessing.

Right click to download: Gratitude



eternitySunday, November 16, 2014
“Living in Eternity”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Though our lives appear to be bound by the limitations of the physical world and the passage of time, we are really timeless, non-physical spiritual beings living in eternity.

Right click to download: Living In Eternity



2-figures-newmanSunday, November 9, 2014
“Imperfect Forgiveness”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

True forgiveness is the path to real happiness, according to A Course in Miracles. Achieving that state is a journey that must inevitably begin with imperfect forms of forgiveness, but as we work with it, remaining open to a higher vision, we will find that our world begins to shift.

Painting by Andy Newman – www.andynewman.net – Used by permission.

Right click to download: Imperfect Forgiveness



beyond-the-veilSunday, November 2, 2014
“Beyond Love”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Our own ideas of what love is, or what faith or oneness or peace is, are necessarily limited and can hold us back from truly experiencing the Realities behind those concepts.

Right click to download: Beyond Love



Mountain Path - John WelshonsSunday, October 26, 2014
“The Spiritual Path: Moving Forward, Stepping Back, Moving Forward”

Speaker: “Ramananda” John Welshons

The spiritual path is filled with many twists and turns and ups and downs. Through it all, if we maintain compassion for ourselves through the difficult passages, we learn how to Simply Be.

Right click to download: The Spiritual Path



blessedSunday, October 19, 2014
“Too Blessed to Be Stressed”

Speaker: John Frederick

John shows us how to live from a place of gratitude, joy and abundance in the midst of our busy and challenging lives.

Right click  to download: Too Blessed to be Stressed



puzzleSunday, October 12, 2014
“Finding Our Way”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

We believe that we must build lives for ourselves, piecing it together like a jigsaw puzzle using our own ingenuity, often trying to fit pieces together that weren’t meant to join. The teachings of Jesus point us to a better way.

Right click to download: Finding Our Way



brothersSunday, October 5, 2014
“Choose Love”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

If we recognize that the Love of God is part of who we are, and thus always present, we can begin to act from that place of love at any moment, rather than passively waiting until it feels safe or easy.

Right click to download: Choose Love



rock-hole-skySunday, September 28, 2014
“Healing Emptiness”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Christian philosopher Blaise Pascal said, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God.” We keep trying to fill that vacuum by following the “road to more”, but that way of greed and lust never gets us anywhere.

Right click to download: Healing Emptiness



angerSunday, September 21, 2014

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Anger is a symptom of underlying beliefs in our powerlessness and is ultimately rooted in fear. The teachings of the Buddha, Jesus and Vietnamese monk Thich Naht Hahn show us the way to gently and lovingly release it.

Right click to Download: Anger! 9-21-14.mp3



browniesSunday, September 7, 2014
“When You Feel the Call to Ministry… Bake Brownies!”

Speaker: Rev. Jackie Hawkins

Rev. Jackie (who has just accepted an appointment to serve as the new minister at the Unity Church in Olathe, Kansas) shares the process of Faith, Humility, Transformation and Flow she has experienced in her journey to ministry.

Right click to download: When You Feel the Call to Ministry, Bake Brownies

The following paintings by Mark Shepard were used to illustrate this talk.
From left to right they are titled:
Faith | Humility | Transformation | Flow

Faith_Mark-Shepard Humility_Mark-Shepard

Transformation_Mark-Shepard Flow_Mark-Shepard

palms-up-circleSunday, August 31, 2014
“Using Your Present Talents”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

The gifts or talents that we have are given according to our present abilities. They grow and expand as we actively work with them.

Right click to download: Using Your Present Talents_8-31-14.mp3




Sunday, August 24, 2014  · “Higher Ideas”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus tells the parable of the wise fisherman who caught many fish in his net. Finding one large, fine catch, he kept it and threw back the rest. In the same way, our minds collect many ideas or thoughts and among them we may find a Divine or Higher Idea.

Right click to download: Higher Ideas



Shiratani Unsuikyo RavineSunday, August 10, 2014  · “Dharma & Karma”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

Dharma is the orderly flow of the universe, governed by the Benevolent Intelligence of the Creator. If we trust our personal dharma, or path, and direct our actions (karma) accordingly, it will lead us to our highest good.

Right click to download: Dharma & Karma
[Image: “Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine” by JoshBerglund19 published by Flickr license]



ponderosa-sniff_landscapeSunday, August 3, 2014  · “Right Under Our Noses”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

The Biblical story of Jacob and Esau, seen metaphysically, demonstrates the potential of the mind to be used either for control and manipulation or for connecting with a higher power. When we use the mind to access “God ideas”, we discover the kingdom of God present right where we are.

Right click to download: Right Under Our Noses




jesus_meditating_detailSunday, July 27, 2014  · “East-West Jesus”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

Did Jesus make reference in his teachings to the four branches of Yoga (bhakti, raja, jnana, and karma)?  In his answer to the question  “Which commandment is first of all?” (Mark 12:29-30) there is some fascinating evidence that he did!

Image used by permission. harmanvisions.com

Right click to download: East-West Jesus

Some of the ideas and teachings in this talk also find expression in Rev. Jim’s blog post, “Did Jesus Own a Yoga Mat?”




Sunday, July 20, 2014  · “Lovingly Supported”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

As the New Testament story of the feeding of the multitude (with a few loaves and fish) illustrates, the more we share, the more potential there is for a major shift to occur. Affirmation: We are lovingly supported by friends both seen and unseen.
Image Copyright: froxx / 123RF Stock Photo

Right click to download: Lovingly Supported



freedomSunday, July 6, 2014  · “Finding Freedom Inside”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

We will not finding freedom that lasts by changing and manipulating our outer world. The change must happen within.

image: Gwen Meharg

Right click to download: Finding Freedom Inside




Sunday, June 29, 2014  ·
“Doorway to Love”

Speaker: Rev. Jim




Right click to Download: Doorway to Love




Sunday, June 22, 2014  · “All in Divine Order”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

If we step out of alignment with the order of creation we will naturally experience discord. We may feel exiled from God, even punished. The more we align ourselves with Divine Order, though, the more good will show up in our lives. It’s not retribution and reward, it’s just the way it works.

Right click to download: All In Divine Order



Hands Holding a Lit Candle

Sunday, June 15, 2014  · “Light of the World”

Speaker: Rev. Jim

Yes,  Jesus, in reference to himself said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). We should not forget that he is also quoted in Matthew 5:14 as saying to his listeners: “YOU are the light of the world”.

Right click to download: Light of the World




 Sunday, June 8, 2014  · “The Healing of Legion”

Guest Speaker: Rob Geyer

Rob Geyer shares the story of Legion, the man of many fears, as he received it in a vivid meditation experience. It is a story of our ultimate worth and divinity.


Right click to Download: The Healing of Legion




Sunday, June 1, 2014  · “Healing and Time”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Healing, even as demonstrated in some of the miracles of Jesus, is most often a gradual process which involves the releasing of old, hindering thoughts and a deepening awareness of the Wholeness that is our birthright.

Right click to Download: Healing and Time




Sunday, May 25, 2014  · “Memorial Day”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Who are we really behind the “suits” that we wear? We are much much more than the bodies and identities that we wear today.  We can begin to reframe our ideas about death and loss and realize that we can never be separated from who we truly are.

Right Click to Download:  Memorial Day



flowerSunday, May 18, 2014  · “Prospered By God”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

As children of God we are heirs to a Kingdom and prosperity is our natural birthright. The way to prosperity is through learning to work WITH God, opening our minds to Divine ideas and allowing that grace flow in our lives.

Right click to download: Prospered By God



prodigal son

Sunday, May 11, 2014 – Mother’s Day · “Loved & Prospered”

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Amidst the entrenched patriarchy of first century Palestine, Jesus tells a story intended to shift its hearers toward a more feminine understanding of God and a more compassionate heart: The Prodigal Son – aka, When Poppa Acts Like Momma.

Right click to download: Loved and Prospered



ramanandaSunday, May 4, 2014 · “Ramananda” John Welshons

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

How do we live in this world with an awareness that at some level we are all One? What blocks us from this awareness and holds us back from experiencing the joy and wonder and bliss of that Oneness?

Right click to download: John Welshons 5-04-14



chop_woodSunday, April 27, 2014 · After Easter

As they say in the east, “Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.”
When the Teacher, who was our bridge to God, departs, we must take the tools He/She left us and build our own bridge.

right click to download: After Easter




Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 · Rising of the Christ

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller Rev.

Jim shows us how to be present with the Easter stories, opening ourselves to the truth that is present in them and which can always be experienced in the Now.

right click to download: Rising of the Christ



Lion and Lamb

April 13, 2014 · Walking With Peace & Power

Rev. Jim Fuller The life of Jesus (and the story of his final entry into Jerusalem) shows us how to walk through this world with peaceful power.

right click to download Walking With Peace & Power



empty tomb

April 6, 2014 · Releasing and Letting Go

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Looking at the story of the raising of Lazarus from the tomb by Jesus from a metaphysical viewpoint: what can it teach us about our own need to be released from entombing thoughts and beliefs?

right click to download Releasing & Letting Go



lent2014March 30, 2014 · Preparing For Easter

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

Making use of Lenten traditions of fasting and feasting to help us to make an inner shift of consciousness this Easter or anytime.


right click to download Preparing for Easter



Amazing GraceMarch 23, 2014 · Amazing Grace

Speaker: Rev. Jackie Hawkins

God’s grace IS amazing! We don’t earn it, we surrender to it. And when we do, manifest blessings show up in our lives.


right click to download Amazing Grace



Oct082011_0190March 16, 2014 · Lifted By Friends

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller

In their study of Jesus’ teachings, and in their application of those teachings to their lives, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore began an ‘uplifting’ process that continues today. They were uplifted by the consciousness of Jesus and, in turn, they uplifted others, thereby creating a growing community. We are called to continue this movement of faith.

right click to download Lifted By Friends

Here is the prayer of blessing Rev. Jim used during his message:

Blessing for a Church

By James Dillet Freeman

This is God’s house.
May we who come here not only find out about God, but find God.
May there be beauty in this place, but especially may it be a place where men and women become aware of the beauty in themselves.
May this be a place of worship.
May this be a place of instruction.
May this be a place of singing.
May this be a place of prayer.
But for us who worship and take instruction and sing and pray, may this always be a place of inner stillness, where we may listen and hear when God speaks.
May whoever ministers here minister in love.
May whoever teaches here teach truth.
May whoever serves here serve pleasantly.
May everyone come into this house in expectation and go with thanksgiving, and may anyone who comes needing help go feeling blessed.
May this be such a house that Jesus Christ – or any stranger, even one of the least – would feel in it that He was with friends.



change-your-thoughtsMarch 9, 2014 · Denials and Affirmations

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller “Truly I say to you, Whatever you shall bind [affirm] on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever you shall loose [deny] on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matt. 18:18). Denials and Affirmations are thought tools for shifting the mind. The goal is to align our thoughts with Truth, working with, not in opposition to, the flow of the Universe.

right click to download Denials & Affirmations



prayer-wordsMarch 2, 2014 · Praying With Words

Speaker: Rev. Jim Fuller Though true prayer in itself is really beyond words, words – if used consciously – can help to shift our consciousness. Using the Lord’s Prayer as an example, Rev. Jim shows us how to find the inward path that the words are pointing to.  

right click to download Praying With Words




February 23, 2014 · The Gospel According to Langston Hughes

Speaker: Rev. Jackie Hawkins with Unity Albany musicians A special program of the poetry of Langston Hughes with commentary and musical selections interspersed, sharing the vision of this great 20th Century African-American poet and author.

Download links (right click to save):
I Dream a World   |   Dream Variations   |   Poems 1 – 6   |   Poems 7 – 10

Poems and Musical interludes

Part 1: DREAMS, THE NEGRO SPEAKS OF RIVERS / Deep River MY PEOPLE / How Could Anyone Ever Tell You (Libby Roderick) MOTHER TO SON / Jacob’s Ladder SPIRITUALS / Swing Low Sweet Chariot DAYBREAK IN ALABAMA /Blackbird (Lennon-McCartney) Part 2: HELEN KELLER / This Little Light WISDOM / When I Pray (Daniel Nahmod) DREAM OF FREEDOM / Oh Freedom TO YOU / Imagine (John Lennon) Special thanks to Joe Gorman for his help in recording and mixing this program.