a positive path for spiritual living

Winter Coffeehouse 2025

Open Mic Night

If you’ve always wanted to share a talent or a desire to perform for others, this is your chance! If you want a fun-filled night, come out and join us. The only requirement is a desire to share your talent and to have fun. There is no competition; only loving support. So whether you play an instrument, sing, tell a good story; have a dance or game to share; etc. etc., this is your chance to express that side of you with others.

If you are not interested in performing but would like to enjoy the entertainment, support the entertainers, and just have an enjoyable night out with friends, please join us.

Signing up to perform will take place up until 6:45pm, that night.
Those performing will have a limit of 15 minutes if needed. If more performers sign up than will fit into our schedule, we may lessen the time of each act. If you sign up after 6:45 we will put you on a waiting list. If there is time left over you’ll have a chance to perform.

Cost – $5 per person; children 12 and under are free. This charge helps to pay for refreshments, and lights, and supports our church’s social activities.


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