Depth of Connection
with Rob Geyer and Rev Brigid Beckman
Would you like to feel closer to others, to know them better and sense the divine within them and within yourself? This retreat offers you an invitation to do just that. Please consider joining us in a safe and loving atmosphere as we explore and increase our depth of connection. Be sure to bring a journal or notebook and pen with you.
Location: Unity Church in Albany, 21 King Ave, Albany, NY 12206
Cost: $125 (with scholarship funds available, if needed)
Friday, April 28, 2023, from 6 -8:00pm
and Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 9 am-5:00 pm
Lunch Saturday: Simple Lunch provided
To sign up: please call the church office at (518) 453-3603
Leave a message with YOUR FULL NAME and a phone number at either (ext 10), or Rev Brigid (ext 11), or email Rev Brigid at [email protected]
Please call Rob (518) 469-8676 or email him at: [email protected] with any questions.

Senior Minister, Brigid Beckman has extensive experience leading retreats and workshops for people of all ages. A hallmark of those retreats is Brigid’s invitation to know yourself. That happens when we have time to reflect deeply, to laugh, to know the joy of building friendship and connection in a safe and welcoming atmosphere.
Rob Geyer is the author of six spiritual fiction books and one play, Nine, A Holy Week Story of Love. He has facilitated numerous retreats, workshops and book studies, writes inspirational posts, which appear twice weekly on his website: and, along with Cheri Warren, posts a series of Four Word Questions three times per week on Facebook (@messagesforinspiration) and Instagram (@rhgeyer).