A Master’s degreed exercise physiologist and certified personal trainer, Ashley Schoborg wants to share with you the life-changing benefits of strength training, how to get started, and how to avoid common pitfalls that beginners experience.
It’s never too late to start strength training!
Your bones, joints, and metabolism will thank you at any age!
*For safety reasons, this will be educational only. No hands-on.
As part of our Wellness Expo on February 18, Ashley will present a brief presentation on Strength Training in the Sanctuary:
Benefits of Strength Training,
How to Properly Train Your Core,
and How to Create Healthy Habits that Last!
This 15 minute presentation will address:
- The benefits of strength training and why it’s never too late!
- How to properly train your core for optimal strength and spine health (hint: it’s not by doing a bunch of crunches!)
- How to create healthy exercise and food habits that last! (Why a lack of motivation and willpower ARE NOT your real problem.)