a positive path for spiritual living

Passover Seder

This is a chance to celebrate with your Unity family and to think about the ways we have experienced liberation in the past year and the ways we want to move forward in the coming year.

Passover or Pesach, as the festival is called in Israel, commemorates the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. The Seder is a ritual performed by a community or by multiple generations of a family for a retelling of the Biblical story of liberation. The “Last Supper” of the Gospels was a Passover Seder. Seder customs include telling and discussing the story, and partaking of symbolic foods.

We will read parts of the service and eat foods that symbolize the sweetness of freedom, the coming of spring, and the bitterness of slavery. Recipes for dishes to be brought can be found at the link below. Sign-up sheets can be found at church or call the office to reserve (518-453-3603 ext 10). Please sign up by April 5 and come join your Unity family in celebrating Passover and Easter.
Please note that this is a non-alcoholic and vegetarian Seder.

See Vegetarian Seder Recipes

Saturday, April 12, 5:30 – 8:30 pm, Community Room


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