a positive path for spiritual living

Annual Meeting 2025

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On Sunday, March 2nd, Unity Church in Albany will hold its Annual Membership Meeting at 12:00 PM following the 10 AM service.

The Board of Trustees invites and encourages everyone in the community to attend.  Your consciousness and energy are an integral part of this spiritual community and we will all be blessed by one another’s essence and presence at the meeting. If you are an active member of our church, you will be asked to vote for four new board  members for the coming year. The meeting will be a hybrid of Zoom and in person.




Meeting ID: 833 5503 6344  
Passcode: 771199
OR  Dial in:
 +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting Agenda

  • Opening prayer
  • Welcome
  • Honoring and blessing the outgoing Trustees for their gift of sacred service
  • Nominating Committee and Election
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Announcements regarding upcoming classes and ways to get involved
  • Discernment of 2026 congregational representative and alternate
  • Closing Prayer

As noted in the agenda, we will conduct the election of four new members of the Board of Trustees at the March 2 meeting.  The meeting is open to everyone– – Active Members, inactive members, and non-members alike.  Only Active Members, however, are eligible to serve as Trustees, vote for the Trustees, and/or serve on the Nominating Committee. We must have a quorum of 15% of the Active Members in order to hold this election.  Please come and vote!

During the meeting, we will use a Google e-voting process and will also have paper ballots for anyone who is there in person.

Active Membership Request Form

Please fill out THIS FORM with your information for our records. Please know that we do not share your personal information with anyone. This is for Unity of Albany internal use only.


The Nominating Committee is pleased to present well-qualified candidates for the three board openings. Each of these individuals is a spiritually-grounded member of our congregation and has demonstrated their willingness to be of service to our community, and beyond.

They are (in alphabetical order):

Debbie Durkee

I have attended Unity Church since winter 2022. I became a member in 2023. I felt like I was coming back home, since I had attended Unity about 24 years ago.

I have lived my entire life in Albany County. I have raised my 5 sons in this area. My children, grandchildren and great grandchild all live local. My extended family and dad are all still local. I have always been involved in the church since I was young, and that continued while I raised my children. When my boys got older and life more crazy with 5 teenagers I stepped back from my volunteer duties.

I have had the opportunity to sit on boards during my working life at Albany County Children, Youth and Families. I spent my last ten years of my 27 years at the county as a nurse working with child protective. I have had a wonderful opportunity to work with many agencies and meet some wonderful, kind people along the way.

Deb Foss

I have attended Unity of Albany for 21 years and have been a member for 20 year.

I was raised in a Jewish home in Queens, attended well-integrated public schools and graduated from university with a degree in Political Science. A grateful child of the 60s, I was involved in anti-war protests and questioning the status quo.
Much of my working life includes working in the public and non-profit sectors, including: The Office of State Health Planning, Medicaid, Kripalu Center, and the Arc of Rensselaer County.

During my 10 years of working for Kripalu Center in Lenox, I became a Certified Facilitator, Yoga Teacher and Workshop Leader. Deep, inner work there connected me to Spirit in new and remarkable ways. I was lucky to meet Hindu, Buddhist and Psycho-Spiritual teachers.

When I moved to Albany in 2002 to become the Executive Director of the Albany Kripalu Yoga Center, new friends were encouraging me to attend Unity Church. At first, I resisted. I loved my eclectic spiritual life and and saw no need to add Jesus and Christianity. Then, I was graced to meet and experience Rev. Jim Fuller and his metaphysical approaches to Christianity, the wonderful Unity Community and phenomenal Music Ministry. Over time, I became a Prayer Chaplain, usher, teller and member of the Unity Cares team. I became a Board Member during Rev. Crystal Muldrow’s tenure and am now looking forward to rejoining with Rev. Brigid and the fabulous members of the 2025 Board.

I still teach yoga, including a class for people with Parkinson’s Disease. Additionally, I’ve become a volunteer at RISSE, helping new immigrants and refugees learn English as a New Language.

Mary Myers

I’ve been attending Unity of Albany since spring of 2017 and have been a member since 2018.

I grew up in Watertown, NY and after bouncing around from Albany to Buffalo and all points in between, have made Albany my home since 1999. I was technically Catholic for the first part of my life, although church was not a priority for my family of origin. I spent many years as a member of the Albany Unitarian Universalist Society, which provided a positive experience for my two children, and gave me a taste of leadership, as I served on several committees over the years.

As my awareness of the presence of God in my life grew, I sought a community which would nourish my hunger for a deeper sense of connection with the Divine. I found that at Unity of Albany, which has been my spiritual home for about 8 years now.

Professionally, I have been a nurse for 40 years, spending 25 years on psychiatric units helping individuals with various mental health challenges. Several other nursing positions and personal experiences led me to the most fulfilling job of my career as a Palliative Care Nurse. Most recently, I’ve been working privately as an RN Care Manager for elders who need support with medical and various other needs.

Chris Quick

I have attended Unity of Albany for two years this April. I have been a member since October of 2023.

Hello, my name is Christopher Quick. I am running again for the Unity Church Board of Trustees because I deeply believe in the vision and values of our community. Over the past years, I’ve witnessed the positive impact our church has had on individuals, families, and the broader community. Our mission of spiritual growth, love, and support resonates with me personally, and I am eager to continue contributing to this purpose.

During my time on the Board, as the liaison for the Building and Grounds committee, I have worked to foster collaboration and comradery in achieving works and tasks well done! I believe in empowering our members to actively participate in the decision-making process and ensuring that all voices are heard. I am committed to strengthening the sense of unity within our congregation and ensuring that our church remains a welcoming space for all. As we navigate new challenges and opportunities, I am excited to help steer the church toward a sustainable and vibrant future.

I am passionate about creating an environment where each person can experience spiritual transformation and feel a sense of belonging. I humbly ask for your support as I seek to continue my work in service to this wonderful community.


Meeting ID: 833 5503 6344  
Passcode: 771199
OR  Dial in:
 +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)



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