a positive path for spiritual living

Respectfully submitted by Karin Reinhold
With data and advise from Paul Frament


  • Love offerings are a little below the average for summer months (compared to Rob’s Budget which averaged several years). We continue in the Doldrums of Summer, but we are prosperous: Jane Bloom’s bequest came through in July so we are actually above expenses.
  • A reminder, we are in a better financial situation than last year with about $20,000 more in Capcom than at the same time last year. $4000 of these are from the Fall retreat.
  • We continue affirming that we are prosperous and we are in the loving hands of God.
  • We now have an Office Admin (Nina), she is doing great and we’ll be seeing those expenses in the next report. She may be able to work for us up to 30hrs. Paul is helping with the payroll for her and we are ironing out the process to be able to pay her quicker. The changing hours means that the withholding amounts need to be recalculated.
  • There was a miscalculation of Steve’s withholdings so the adjustment appears in July’s pay.
  • I’m slow getting what we need to make the transition with Wayne (new bookkeeper). I hope all that needs to be resolved will happen asp so I expect to be working with him this coming month.
  • I applied for non-for-profit status in Paypal to reduce fees. This month we paid a total of $119 in fees (not in the P&L because in the P&L the net amount was recorded not the gross)



Checking/Savings  July 30, 2020 

CAPCOM Checking   $28,605.41
CAPCOM Money Market   $11,952.06
CAPCOM SAVING      $4,302.30

Total Checking/Savings     $ 44,859.77

Investment: this is as of June 30, as I have not received the latest mail. But the numbers should be close.

CDC Loan Fund  $20,000.00 Community Loan Fund
Merrill Lynch  $197,588.36
Total Investments  $217,588.36  

TOTAL ASSETS  $262,448